from the Pastors' Prayer Summit

Hey sports fans!

All you Yankee fans--back away from the ledge--slowly, slowly, slowly! Red Sox fans, remember Aprils past. A sweep in April is neither the end of the world or the World Series!

Good lesson there--it is over the long haul that great victories are won. Therefore, it is always too soon to give up. Celebrate small victories, but don't confuse them with the Final Triumph.

End of sermon. Pastor Wes did such a good job preaching yesterday and I did not have a chance to preach last week, so I had to get this one out.

I am at the Pastors Payer Summit--we had a great first session. Thanks for your prayers. God is meeting us.


Pastor Rick

P.S. The hometown team--Cincinnati Reds won yesterday too!


kimberly said...

Pastor Rick, you did preach last week - you preached the first sermon in this new series. Wes even referenced it in his sermon yesterday.