The Senator and 22's

So I went to the state capitol today, along with some other leaders, and met with Senator Mike McLachlan from Danbury. It was quite a meeting. This is a man we have long been praying for--a courageous voice for righteousness in those halls. He is a freshman senator, so I guess he doesn't know any better--he is actually there to speak up and stand up for what he believes in. He was the tip of the spear in leading the efforts to beat back the assaults on religious liberty in this past session. Thank you god for this faithful man!

Why were we there?--he is challenging the Body of Christ across Connecticut to get more involved in praying and in advocating for our values in the political sphere. So the meeting was very exciting. It feels now like we have an advocate on the inside of the process and we can now work with him and others to support the cause of righteous and just governance with our prayers and advocacy.

So on to the number. You may have noticed that this blog is called "Blog 222." That comes from our street address: 222 Lincoln Street. For years the Lord has spoken to me through the number 22 or 222. The number is like an alert--pay attention. Or it is an affirmation--you have my favor. When the Lord first started impressing this number on me I would see it everywhere. Whenever I would look at the clock it would be 22 minutes after the hour--or so it seemed. I would see 22's on license plates, on road signs, on other random places.

Today I must have had four or five 22 sightings--at least three on the clock; a couple other random sightings; and we initially were to meet the Senator in his suite at the Legislative Office Building--Suite #2200. To me that all indicated favor. And it was there in abundance in the meeting with the Senator.

Pray for this man--he is in a key position at a key time in our state's history.

Oh, about the rest of the address. I received a prophetic word years ago that the whole address was/is prophetic. That I had some call to statesmanship for the Kingdom, as Lincoln was one of our greatest statesmen ever. I don't think the Lord has me exiting the church to go into politics. But I do think that I am entering a season when doors are being opened for me to be a voice into certain arenas of the political process for the cause of Kingdom justice and righteousness.


Pastor Rick


Kelly said...

This is the beginning of the Lord fulfilling a vision he had given me for you about a year ago. I saw you walking directly up to a government building, brief case in hand, and the front door was opened to you, waiting for, and, welcoming you, and, all that you had to bring. I'm praising God for his mighty hand and his faithfulness! And, I cheer you on!