Quasi-Random Rambling from Rick

Greetings Sports Fans!

It's been awhile since I have posted anything. My fertile mind has been composting. So here goes!

SUNDAYS @ SEVEN prayer times. These times of simple worship and prayer this summer have been awesome. The Lord gave Pastor Wes a word about back to basics at the beginning of the summer and this prayer/worship time has been in response to that directive. Each week we have gathered with a simple format to seek the Lord in prayer and worship--and to let him lead and direct that quest. His presence has been powerfully present and I believe that many of our prayers for our congregation are being answered. We plan to continue with this simple format/basic quest beyond the summer season.

On that note, on Sunday evening, September 4 at 7:00 PM, there will be a joint GateKeepers' worship and prayer time to give thanks for the Purpose outreach this summer and to continue to pursue the advance of the Kingdom in our communities.

WELLSPRING SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP. The new fall term begins on Tuesday, August 30. We are extending the deadline for application for the new entering class of first-year students. The first course, Spiritual Formation, is something that will benefit every believer. It will be team-taught by Debbie McKinniss and Linda Johnson. Contact Mike@Wellspring.net for more information. But don't procrastinate any longer! Come on--you know you want to do this!

ANOTHER BREAKTHROUGH FOR ISAAC CAMPBELL!! Jenn Campbell, mother of the miracle boys Christopher and Isaac, passed me a note this past Sunday that Isaac had lost 2 and 1/2 pounds in the previous week, had lots of abdominal pain and had the worst diaper rash she had ever seen (and she has seen a lot of diaper rash). The congregation prayed during the 9:00 AM service for these needs and once again Isaac experienced breakthrough! She emailed me Tuesday at 2:22 PM (a good number for miracles--see Acts 2:22) to say that Isaac's rash had cleared up and that he tipped the scales at 30 pounds for the first time in his young and courageous life! How's that for an answer--the champion fighter boy moves up a weight class!

Then Jenn related that she had just come back from another doctor's visit. The doc wants to remove Isaac's tonsils because his tonsils and adenoids are huge and they inhibit good sleep for Isaac. Jenn is pretty reluctant to put this guy through yet another surgery. So she is urging us to pray for a shrinkage of Isaac's tonsils and adenoids. So Lord, we agree for this need. We call upon you to touch Isaac's tonsils and adenoids and shrink them in Jesus' mighty name! Amen.

FIFTH GENERATION REDS FAN. If you will allow me a point of personal privilege--and after all it is my blog--allow me to note that Elijah McKinniss will accompany his father tonight to see the Cincinnati Reds take on the Washington Nationals in D.C. This initiates Elijah as a fifth-generation fan of baseball's original professional baseball team and links him to the city of his forebears. It also initiates him into the company of the miserable, as he can expect about one good team a decade. Alas . . . .