"Next Year, Jerusalem!"

This rally cry, voiced each year by Jewish people at the Passover Seder was given to me as a prophetic word two years ago by Prophet Bob Hazlett. Since having received that word, I have been to the Holy Land twice. Both visits were incredibly stretching, instructional and inspirational.

Now--in concert with Rabbi Librach--I would like to invite you to come with me to the Holy Land next March. The Rabbi and I have worked out an itinerary that focuses primarily on visiting sites of biblical importance, and secondarily on gaining a sense of the miracle of modern Israel. I am excited about this itinerary. We have packed a lot into a week and have managed to avoid most of the sketchy uber-touristy, overly religious sites that have little real connection to the land or the biblical drama of redemption.

We will connect with believers in the land and Rabbi Cliff and I will share biblical teaching while we are on site. There is also something very special about a devoted rabbi and an evangelical pastor co-leading a spiritual pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I think God is up to something very special in this trip. It will be a true adventure, a vacation and a spiritual seminar all rolled into one.

Brochures are available in the office and at the Welcome Center. More detailed information is at www.wellspring.net/israel2012. I hope you can make this trip with Rabbi Cliff and I--it's going to be great!

Pastor Rick