Equally Yoked

The book is done and at the publisher. The project started ten years ago is now completed.

Thanks to all who have prayed for this book to come to fruition, encouraged me along the way and helped to make it a reality.

It is kind of weird to say, 'It's done.' To hold an actual copy in your hand.

The thesis of the book is that God's highest ideals for the genders is full and equal partnership. This was how he created us to operate and what got twisted through the fall has been and is being restored through the redemption Jesus brings. Mostly it is a study of pertinent biblical passages to demonstrate the thesis, along with some personal and practical stuff mixed in.

I wrote it because the Lord told me to write it. And because it is a message that needs to be repeated again and again until the church really grabs hold of it. And I wrote it because I needed to conform my own heart and practice to what my study has shown. Writing it down has a way of making one accountable.

Soon copies will be in for a gala book-signing at Wellspring. Plans are being laid for a conference by the same name as the title this spring. For those of you who can't wait--you can order your copy at Amazon.

Anyway, that's all I'm gonna say about that for now.



Cathy said...

Congratulations - that's really good news! :)

starwish6 said...

That's great news! I remember your teachings on the topic in the old building and how you spoke about putting it all in a book. I'm so glad that it came into fuition for you.Congratulations!

Andrew Springman said...

Woo hoo!

Dawn Aldrich said...

Ahhhh! Congrats! Is sure does feel great to hold a new book in your hands doesn't it?

Joellen said...

Way to persevere! I can't wait to read it. We are proud of you (even if you are a grump).

kimberly said...

Woo hoo from the other springperson! :-)