Ali's Wedding

Ali got married on Saturday. She is now Mrs. Lance Carter. I had the privilege of sharing some words of blessing at the ceremony. It was an honor. . .

Let me give you some background. First of all, I have not always been a big fan of weddings. 'Romantic' is not a word often used to describe me. Worrying for six months over table favors and the color of dresses just seems way too much fuss by my way of thinking. Exorbitant costs and pretentious receptions aren't high on my list of core values.

Secondly, I know pastors aren't supposed to show favoritism and risk offending others by praising one member of their flock over others.

But Ali is one of my favorites. Let me explain why.

When I get to heaven I figure that my claim to fame will be that I knew Ali Johnson Carter. I think that if, at the end of my days, I have done little more than to have encouraged Ali, it will have been a worthwhile ministry.

When I grow up I hope to be like Ali. That is funny, because I have watched Ali grow up. She literally was a little squirt when I came to Connecticut 23 years ago. I watched her grow through awkward adolescence, take steps of leadership in her high school band and youth group, go off to college, come back to New Britain by the word of the Lord after she graduated college, serve as a deacon in the church she grew up in, and then go on to become a prophetic mentor to young interns in a major ministry training school. Along the way I have had the privilege of praying for Ali, of praying with Ali in meetings, and of having Ali lead prayer and intercession for me.

What I have watched is the growth of an amazing heart for Jesus. Passion for his glorious person and unfettered devotion and affection for him. I have not witnessed Ali telling people what her passion is--I get so tired of people telling other people what their passion is. Please. If your passion is genuine it will be seen. You don't have to tell people what it is--you won't be able to hide it.

On Saturday two minutes before Ali marched down the aisle to stand with Lance I had a brief prayer with her. Now realize, Ali woke up laughing that morning of her wedding at 4:30 AM--her heart bursting with joy in the realization that it was her wedding day. She was so excited to be married to Lance she couldn't sleep any longer. But in that brief prayer all she could do was repeat over and over, 'Oh, Jesus; Jesus; Jesus! You are so good!'

So I want to be more like Ali--living out of that consuming devotion to Jesus.

That is why she is one of my favorites. She calls me to be better than I currently am. She inspires me to more.

By the way, I have hundreds of favorites. I see different graces in differing flavors in so many different people. When I catch a reflection of the radiance of something of the Kingdom of God in their lives my heart is thrilled and I am inspired. I say to myself, 'That is awesome! I aspire to see more of that in my own life.' I say to God, 'Thank you God for allowing me to glimpse that. Help me to be more and better than I am in that area.'

So Ali--Congratulations! Thanks for letting me have a small part in your wedding day. I did not wake up laughing this morning--but maybe some day!



kimberly said...

This is a great posting. So many people who know Ali love and appreciate her, for many reasons. Thanks for sharing your joy in your appreciation of her.

katherine said...

promised i'd read it - this is beautiful and true.

Kenna said...

As her new mother-in-law, I cannot say that all you say is true because I only spoke to her once, a short while before she came out to visit us in California, just before Lance proposed. Then only having her here for 2 weeks over Christmas and them returning to New Hampshire, I can honestly say that I really didn't know Ali. However, God gives us His Spirit to discern all things and this I can tell you. I saw something in those two weeks that will forever change my life. I saw a love and a heart for Jesus first and when Ali confessed to me that she had to make room in her heart for Lance because she knew she loved him but Jesus had her entire heart, I knew without a doubt that she was the perfect helpmate given to him from the Lord. As a mother and from her entire family, we welcome such an amazing young woman into our hearts and lives. Thank you Ali for your love and commitment to Jesus and to Lance. Thank you Pastor Rick for years of training her up. Thank you Linda and Mark for raising such an amazing lover of God. Kenna, Paul, and family