Wake Up Connecticut

So . . . our state is one of a handful that still does not have a budget for the fiscal year that has already two weeks old.

So here are some numbers, statistics that I have gleaned from the paper of record in the state, The Hartford Courant, over the last several weeks. See what you think . . .

A couple months ago George David wrote a column in the Courant that offers one very significant perspective. (Where he got the time in the midst of his messy divorce proceeding, I don't know--but that is a subject for another post.) Since this state enacted an income tax in 1992 our population has grown by a whopping 2%. During that same period the size of state government has grown by 24%. In this past Sunday's Courant we learned some other numbers. Our current budget deficit is the highest per capita of any state in the nation--a whopping $2,513 per citizen of our beloved Nutmeg State. That's right--your state government has overspent by over $2500 per man, woman and child.

Here are some other numbers to ponder. Over the past 20 years, Connecticut ranks dead last nationally in job creation, but first in exodus of its youth, our best and brightest leaving for jobs elsewhere. Connecticut alone among all states has seen the number of its businesses shrink, while high skill, high-wage jobs disappear and are replaced by low-paying, low-skill jobs. The state's tax structure and other bureaucratic burdens have been a disaster for business in CT.

So what to do? Your brilliant legislators seem stumped. If you are also stumped, review the above numbers again remembering the axiom about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That is the definition of what? How about government in your home state?



Pam Zinn said...

...reminded of your prophetic words from this past Friday's seminar, I checked out your blog. Would love to see you write more on "American Exceptionalism", as taken from your sermon on 5/17/09.

kimberly said...

hmm, gee, from the what you state in your blog, i think it would require extraordinary intelligence to figure out what the main problems are...hmmm, perhaps the state should hire, for a very large sum of money, a professor from a prestigious university to figure out what is wrong and PERHAPS how to correct the problems...

kimberly said...

one more thought, aside from sarcastic humor:

since you obviously care about the state, perhaps you can offer options for solutions to a few of the state's problems. you may indeed be one of several voices for offering solutions to a few of the state's complex problems in the future.

Carlo said...

If I ran any of my businesses as the state or the federal government does I'll have to declare bankruptcy
sometimes we lose our common sense