Health Care and the State

This is the most serious post I have made to date on this blog.

Sometimes I have written about personal stuff; sometimes I have gone on rants; sometimes I have just been having fun writing about the teams I follow.

This is serious. I am making an urgent plea for you to consider carefully what I will share below.

I believe that the health care legislation now before the US House of Representatives and being pushed by the President is the greatest threat to liberty that I have experienced in this nation in my lifetime. I am not making that statement casually--I make it in all soberness and urgency. I will seek to be measured in what I write below because I want to gain your ear and urge your advocacy against this proposal. It is, I believe, a bill that carries evil consequences.

We could argue the pros and cons of a state-administered health care service. Personally, I am opposed. My personal bias is almost always against the growth of the state. If the 20th century taught us anything it surely ought to be that the greatest threat to human rights and liberties is embodied by massive socialistic states that espouse the highest of ideals. My equation is simple--the more the state grows, by definition the more my liberties shrink.

But this post is not to debate the pros and cons of government run health care. It is to highlight the furtherance of the state-sponsored death agenda that is written into the very language of this bill. By the way, most representatives who are supporting this bill confess they have not read it. Some House leaders have even suggested that reading it would be a waste of time. This should set off massive warnings that our system of representative democracy is very near a total breakdown. When our elected officials state that reading the very pieces of legislation that will massively overhaul the country is a waste of time, how are we to respond but in outrage? Yet despite not reading the bill, these same legislators go on various media outlets stating that it is absolutely urgent that this bill be passed immediately.

But here is the heart of what I want to share with you. Concerned citizens have begun to do what the legislators have scoffed at doing--they are reading the bill. And I want to highlight just one of dozens of things about this bill that terrify me. Pages 425-430 of this 1018 page bill speak about end-of-life issues. the government will mandate 'Advance (Death) Care Planning' (p. 425). The government will instruct and consult regarding living wills and mandatory powers of attorney (p. 425). The government will provide an approved list of end of life resources, guiding you in death and mandating a program that will give the government a say in how your life ends (p. 427). An 'advance care consultation' will be used frequently as the patients health deteriorates and may include an ORDER for end of life plans (p. 429). The government will specify which doctors can write an end of life order (p. 429). And the government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life (p.430). (You can check this out for yourself on Congressman John Larson's website--the entire 1018 pages are there in a pdf file.)

What the above sections of the law does is give a government bureaucracy the power over the end of your life--or the life of your parents. This is euthanasia--either incrementally or passively or paving the way for active euthanasia. HEAR THIS--THE ABOVE PORTIONS OF THE LAW DO GIVE THE GOVERNMENT THE AUTHORITY TO EFFECTIVELY DETERMINE WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES. I have quoted sections of the very bill that House leaders and the President are actively seeking to rush through Congress.

Let me say one other thing that makes the above so insidious. Those in favor of this bill are all over the media and junketing around the country telling us that we will be able to keep our doctors and our private health insurance, should we so desire. But other provisions of the bill make these promises to be empty. This bill is written in a way that businesses and individuals who do not participate in the public (government) option health plan will be severely taxed and ultimately mandated to enroll in the public option. When private companies have to compete against the government they always lose--because the government does not have to turn a profit to stay in business. Yet our elected leaders are promising us things that they know are flowery fictions, while they seek to rush this measure through without adequate debate.

I have not even mentioned how the government taking over the health care system will be the tipping point from a market driven economy to a state-run managed economy, because the percentage of our economy that is related to health care is so great. That is also in the balance. But that is another legitimate debate that is philosophical in nature--one about which good people can disagree.

But the alarm I raise in this post is about an evil agenda of euthanasia written into the very language of this proposed legislation that leaders of Congress and the President are selling us under the guise of reform and cost control and providing health care for those who do not have access to it.

It is time to pray and advocate for life and against this evil measure.



DD said...

Pastor Rick, you said regarding state-run health care that the reason businesses can't compete is because the government doesn't have to turn a profit. Two days ago, I heard a startling fact that illustrates that. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta (who wisely turned down the job of U.S. Surgeon General) reported that in 1965 when Medicare Part A was initiated, it was estimated that it would cost $9 billion by 1990. Actual total in 1990? $67 billion! But the government is still in business.

Unknown said...

Here Here. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Thank you for guiding us during this time.

Carlo said...

Unfortunately things will get worse before getting better our liberties will soon be Government run. Back when the Romans were running the country the men at the top were gorging themselves with everything unGodly and we know what happend there.
History always repeats itself .
As were coming closer to the coming of the Lord we see signs that are written in the Bible. Our weather has ben getting crazy, many earthquakes and floodings, soon more volcanoos will be erupting. I believe its just getting closer to our everlasting salvation. We all know how it has to end we just don’t know when.

Imagine Jess said...

As ignorant as my comment will sound, I want to say thank you for keeping me educated about things that I might otherwise not investigate on my own, and thank you for breaking down ideas, movements, and actions that are more complicated than my mind can handle. I trust your guidance.

kimberly said...

i've been commenting upon this on my facebook page for the past week or so. i've encouraged people to read the link to the bill itself as well as the link to comments about the bill. this is a very, very highly important issue for the month of August before the legislatures return to DC for their fall term, when they will vote on this monstrous, unwise bill. EVERYONE should at least read comments about the bill - it is that important of an issue. pastor rick references a political website as one of the first several blogs - check it out and read some comments about the bill. WRITE to your legislatures about this bill. the more voices they hear, the more pressure they will receive to delay or vote down this bill.

Unknown said...

It is easy to feel overwhelmed or helpless in the face of this deplorable legislation. However, in less time than it takes to read Pastor Rick's blog, you could be contacting Senators Dodd and Lieberman and expressing your views.

By googling "U.S. Senate" and selecting CT, you can access both of the senators' "Web Forms" and click on links that will allow you to "express an opinion" or "comment on an issue." The senators' offices track the number of messages they receive for or against any pending legislation.

You don't have to write a dissertation or address every issue involved. Even a few words stating your opposition to the bill will register your views. And as Kim has written in the previous posting: "the more voices they hear, the more pressure they will receive..."

As Americans, it is our right and our responsibility to speak out against injustice. And as citizens of the Kingdom, we must never tire in bringing our prayers and petitions on behalf of our nation before our mighty and merciful King.

kimberly said...

and if this bill becomes law, and we have gov. sanctioned euthanasia, who is going to prevent the gov. from euthanizing other "unproductive" citizens in the future, such as any handicapped or special needs person or child? Something to think sanctioned euthanasia. what other govs. have done this, and added, over time, to their lists other "unproductive citizens" among their populations?