- DD said...
Pastor Rick, you said regarding state-run health care that the reason businesses can't compete is because the government doesn't have to turn a profit. Two days ago, I heard a startling fact that illustrates that. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta (who wisely turned down the job of U.S. Surgeon General) reported that in 1965 when Medicare Part A was initiated, it was estimated that it would cost $9 billion by 1990. Actual total in 1990? $67 billion! But the government is still in business.
July 30, 2009 at 5:35 PM
- Unknown said...
Here Here. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Thank you for guiding us during this time.
July 31, 2009 at 9:02 AM
- Carlo said...
Unfortunately things will get worse before getting better our liberties will soon be Government run. Back when the Romans were running the country the men at the top were gorging themselves with everything unGodly and we know what happend there.
History always repeats itself .
As were coming closer to the coming of the Lord we see signs that are written in the Bible. Our weather has ben getting crazy, many earthquakes and floodings, soon more volcanoos will be erupting. I believe its just getting closer to our everlasting salvation. We all know how it has to end we just don’t know when. -
August 2, 2009 at 11:00 PM
- Imagine Jess said...
As ignorant as my comment will sound, I want to say thank you for keeping me educated about things that I might otherwise not investigate on my own, and thank you for breaking down ideas, movements, and actions that are more complicated than my mind can handle. I trust your guidance.
August 3, 2009 at 10:58 PM
- kimberly said...
i've been commenting upon this on my facebook page for the past week or so. i've encouraged people to read the link to the bill itself as well as the link to comments about the bill. this is a very, very highly important issue for the month of August before the legislatures return to DC for their fall term, when they will vote on this monstrous, unwise bill. EVERYONE should at least read comments about the bill - it is that important of an issue. pastor rick references a political website as one of the first several blogs - check it out and read some comments about the bill. WRITE to your legislatures about this bill. the more voices they hear, the more pressure they will receive to delay or vote down this bill.
August 7, 2009 at 10:13 PM
- Unknown said...
It is easy to feel overwhelmed or helpless in the face of this deplorable legislation. However, in less time than it takes to read Pastor Rick's blog, you could be contacting Senators Dodd and Lieberman and expressing your views.
By googling "U.S. Senate" and selecting CT, you can access both of the senators' "Web Forms" and click on links that will allow you to "express an opinion" or "comment on an issue." The senators' offices track the number of messages they receive for or against any pending legislation.
You don't have to write a dissertation or address every issue involved. Even a few words stating your opposition to the bill will register your views. And as Kim has written in the previous posting: "the more voices they hear, the more pressure they will receive..."
As Americans, it is our right and our responsibility to speak out against injustice. And as citizens of the Kingdom, we must never tire in bringing our prayers and petitions on behalf of our nation before our mighty and merciful King. -
August 8, 2009 at 10:00 AM
- kimberly said...
and if this bill becomes law, and we have gov. sanctioned euthanasia, who is going to prevent the gov. from euthanizing other "unproductive" citizens in the future, such as any handicapped or special needs person or child? Something to think about...gov. sanctioned euthanasia. what other govs. have done this, and added, over time, to their lists other "unproductive citizens" among their populations?
August 8, 2009 at 1:03 PM