Busy Weekend, Significant Weekend

Busy Weekend, Significant Weekend

A number of events have converged on this coming weekend, making it a very busy place at Wellspring, but we believe a significant weekend as well. We recognize the time demands on your lives, and we don't take that lightly. Yet, as we approach Saturday and Sunday, we are inspired and expectant for genuine community impact, kingdom breakthrough, and joy-filled worship and praise - all in two days. Truly a significant weekend!

Celebrate Mt Pleasant has been shifted to this Saturday, June 9. On Sunday morning, I will close out this teaching series on Resurrection in Real Life. The Destiny Africa choir will conclude the weekend on Sunday evening, June 10th at 6pm. Those events have precedent and have been highlighted to the congregation in other posts. I want to give a heads up on one other gathering.

Chuck Pierce is coming to Wellspring on Saturday, June 9 at 7:30 pm. This is really exciting to me. I have been following Chuck's ministry for nearly two decades. He has been used by God to prophesy to the nation on multiple occasions in dramatic ways and with great accuracy. (Two that come to mind--he prophesied the Oklahoma City bombing a week prior to it happening; and declared in West Palm, FL in November, 1999 that in a year's time the eyes of the world would be on that county. Remember the hanging chads in four south Florida counties following the 2000 elections?) Further, Chuck and Dutch Sheets were commissioned by God in 2004 to travel to all fifty states, where they led prophetic and intercessory meetings for the respective states and the nation. In short, I am saying that God has used Chuck as a prophetic voice to the nation over the past many years.

Chuck is coming to Connecticut on assignment. He has received a word from the Lord to deliver to our state. Prayer leaders in Connecticut asked us at Wellspring to host this gathering. We enthusiastically said, "Yes!" So, we are hosts, but this is not a meeting we have called or organized. We are honored to provide a venue for Chuck and his ministry. And we are expecting a full house that evening.

I want to encourage you to come and be prepared to worship and pray and receive the prophetic declaration that Chuck feels led to release in our state.

Now, for a few disclaimers. Chuck is different from most preachers. I often don't really understand what he is sharing. He has a unique perspective from which he ministers the Word. And when the Spirit comes upon him to prophesy he is in a "zone" where he often does not understand or even remember what he speaks until he himself listens to the recording. I have watched this process "live" on a couple occasions. I know that the Lord is at work, but it is not always that easy to understand initially.

So, with that said, let me say again how excited I am to have Chuck come to Wellspring. I believe God has used him significantly in the past couple decades to help shepherd the prayer movement in this nation and to minister as a prophet to the nation. It is an honor to host this meeting. Saturday, June 9 at 7:30 pm.


Pastor Rick