Elevate Hope

"Steve Backlund. Man, that guy really changed my life!"

Those were words I heard from several members of the staff team at Bethel Church when Debbie and I were there this past autumn for our sabbatical. Steve's message on relentless mind renewal has caused me to elevate hope in my own walk. And it has given rise to us intentionally pursuing hope this year as a congregation.

I have said to many that of all the outside speakers and ministers we have had at Wellspring over the years, Steve has been the most practical and his ministry has born the most consistent fruit. And we have had some great folks here over the years.

So what else can I say except, "Steve is coming this Friday evening!" We will have ONE meeting with him and his team of interns from Bethel Church this fall and it is this Friday, March 9 at 7:00 PM. Come expecting solid teaching; come expecting a touch from God; come expecting a prophetic word; come expecting healing in your body; come expecting heaven to invade earth.