First off, let me say a BIG THANKS to everyone for all the kind and encouraging words, cards and gifts to mark our 25th anniversary as your pastor here at KBC/Wellspring. Wow! Like I said to Pastor Wes in the second service, "Twenty five years is a long time!" It has been my privilege and joy, along with Debbie, to walk with you and serve this congregation for the past quarter century. Thank you. By the way, I am planning to hang on to the cards for quite some time. They should come in handy in the future on a discouraging day.

Secondly, let me say a word about the upcoming sermon series. Yes, this weekend I am scheduled to preach--we'll see if I have remembered how to string some meaningful thoughts together. I plan to focus on Matthew 1 and the genealogy Matthew employs to introduce his gospel. On first glance this just seems like a long list of boring and unpronounceable names, but I have found it to be a treasure trove of stories and encouragement as we meditate upon the Lord's ways in bringing forth his redemption into this broken and twisted world.

This week I want to reflect upon David's place in the family tree of the Savior; the next week his son, Solomon; and then, on the weekend just before Christmas we will look at a lesser known figure, Zerubbabel.

Lastly, we are getting settled back into the routines and rhythms of life in Connecticut and the congregation. Good to be back.


Pastor Rick