Converge Worldwide

Over the years people have asked me, "What kind of church is Wellspring?"

Recently I have taken to giving them this response--"A good one."

I realize, of course, that some who ask this question are inquiring about our denominational affiliation--"What brand of church are we?"

Well, our brand name is Converge Worldwide. But what is Converge Worldwide? It is the missional name of our movement of congregations and ministries. Notice I didn't use the word denomination. That's right. Our leadership--and our member congreagations have come to recognize that denominationalism is not something we want to be about. Denominationalism divides and categorizes churches according to their distinctive doctrinal beliefs and unique church practices. Movements coalesce around the move of the Holy Spirit and Kingdom cooperation.

Over the past decade our movement leader, Dr. Jerry Sheveland, has led our group beyond denominationalism. Today we are positioned to partner with the Holy Spirit and one another and other Kingdom-minded ministries to see the Great Commission fulfilled. That is Converge Worldwide.

We used to be know as the Baptist General Conference. Today we are Converge. We have moved our movement's offices to Orlando, Florida, where they are adjacent to the headquarters of Campus Crusade for Christ and Wycliffe Bible Translators--two of the most visionary ministries of the past half century. Converge actually share space with these ministries at a state-of-the-art national training facility. Our thinking and vision have moved beyond denominational distinctives and institutional survival--we are now thinking in terms of global convergence with the Body of Christ in pursuing the objectives of the Kingdom.

I am very excited about this direction and more encouraged than I have ever been to be part of this fellowship of congregatrions and ministries that are now called Converge Worldwide.

So what is Converge Worldwide? We are. What kind of group is that? A really good one!


LJ said...

Nice/go bucks!

Mandy said...

this is exciting stuff!!

kimberly said...

Wow - awesome!

Unknown said...

That is the kind of church I want to belong to.

Anonymous said...

I get it. Denominations = bad. Movements = good. But I don't buy it. Yes, Wellspring is a good church, no matter what the modern term for our bigger group becomes. And each of us Christ-followers have always been a part of the bigger movement of God.
Keep up the good work.