BiHogg's and Movement

Greetings Sports Fans!

For those at Wellspring, this is an update and follow-up on this past weekend's events. All others are welcome to listen in!

First, an update on Isaac (see previous post). Well, we prayed as a congregation this past weekend at services for Isaac's most immediate need. He needed his bowels to get unstuck, otherwise he was going to have to go to the hospital for a procedure. Yikes!! Not good. So there in church, in front of God and everybody, we prayed for movement.

Here's the report: "We have movement, Houston!"

Hallelujah! Go God, keep moving in this little boy's frame and bring to completion the miracle work you have been doing in his body.

Second, a word about our new word--BiHogg. It is becoming part of Wellspring vocabulary. In 2011, we are going for Big Hairy Outrageous God-sized Goals! That's what a BiHOGG is.

I want to encourage you to take this seriously and go for it by seeking God for what objective he wants to partner with you on for 2011.

I have a picture of some guy who has gone after a Big Hairy GoBucks Goal. Not a real BiHOGG, but impressive nevertheless. He has made a scale replica of Ohio Stadium out of Lego's.

This guy has too many Lego's and too much time on his hand. Love his passion, but question his priorities.

BiHOGG's change lives. BiHOGG's bring glory to God. BiHOGG's advance the Kingdom of God and make a difference for the betterment of the world.

If you want to learn more about BiHOGG's go to and click on the link for the sermon from 1/16 and jump on the BiHOGG train.


Pastor Rick


kimberly said...

I'm thinking, praying, dreaming, was a stupendous sermon.

Em said...

About Isaac: It has been a while since I threw my hands up and squealed “Thank You God. YES!” and still smiling at His Greatness.